Strateška prednost: dosledno se držimo dolgoročne perspektive in podpiramo filozofijo "najprej izdelek, nato dobiček", s poudarkom na nenehnem izboljševanju naših izdelkov in tehnologije.
Kakovost, strokovnost, inovativnost
Leta mukotrpnega raziskovanja
Kvalificirana cena franko tovarna
Vodilne kategorije na celotnem področju informatizacije in inteligence
Globalni trg (Severna Amerika, Jugovzhodna Azija, Zahodna Evropa, Južna Evropa, domači trg)
Jiangsu Hongyuan Pipes Co., Ltd., formerly known as Jiangyan Hongda Corrugated Pipe Factory, was established in the 1980s. It is located in the historically rich and culturally vibrant "land of fish and rice"—Jiangyan District, Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province. The factory is situated in the Shuguang Industrial Park, covering an area of approximately 25 acres with over 8,000 square meters of self-owned factory space. The company is a nationally recognized high-tech enterprise that integrates design, production, manufacturing, and research and development. We possess domestic licenses for manufacturing pressure pipeline components and for the design and manufacturing of A2 high-pressure vessels. Additionally, we hold international production licenses, including ASME, PED, and CE certifications. In recent years, the company has further obtained a comprehensive range of certifications from both domestic and international classification societies, such as CCS, ABS, DNV, LR, and BV. This has given us a significant competitive advantage in the industry, with a wide range of certifications and broad coverage. Decades of experience have enabled the company to cultivate a team with exceptional operational capabilities. At the same time, we have established deep collaborations with top-tier universities in China, such as Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Wuhan University of Technology, and Jiangsu University of Science and Technology. Through these partnerships, we continuously absorb cutting-edge technologies and transform them into high-quality productivity. Since our inception, we have been committed to producing high-quality products, enhancing our services, and diligently cultivating our industry, never forgetting our original mission. Amidst the turbulent changes in the global landscape, our confidence in Chinese manufacturing has only grown stronger. We aim to achieve world-class standards in design, technology, and craftsmanship, striving to extend the Hongyuan brand globally and provide the best products and services to our esteemed clients both domestically and internationally.
Jiangsu Hongyuan Pipes Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise specializing in the design and manufacturing of metal hoses, bellows expansion joints, piping systems, pressure vessels, and integrated systems (skid-mounted). Since its establishment, we have been committed to providing global customers with high-quality products and services. Located in Jiangsu Province, China, our company boasts modern production facilities and advanced technology equipment capable of meeting various pipeline connection solution needs.
Na svetovnem tržnem odru Jiangsu Hongyuan Pipe Industry ne predstavlja samo vrhunske kakovosti izdelkov in inovativnih tehnologij, ampak dokazuje tudi svojo konkurenčnost v mednarodnem merilu. Z dolgoletnimi neusmiljenimi prizadevanji so naši izdelki uspešno vstopili v številne države in regije po Evropi, Ameriki, Aziji in drugod ter si prislužili splošno priznanje in odobravanje. Z upoštevanjem filozofije »Najprej kakovost, stranka najvišja« zagotavljamo, da vsak izdelek, ki zapusti našo tovarno, izpolnjuje ali presega industrijske standarde.
Strateška prednost: dosledno se držimo dolgoročne perspektive in podpiramo filozofijo "najprej izdelek, nato dobiček", s poudarkom na nenehnem izboljševanju naših izdelkov in tehnologije.
Prednost raziskav in razvoja: Vsako leto namenimo namenska sredstva za raziskave in razvoj novih tehnologij, procesov in opreme. V zadnjih letih smo se vključili v poglobljeno sodelovanje z raziskovalnimi skupinami s šanghajske univerze Jiao Tong, tehnološke univerze Wuhan in univerze za znanost in tehnologijo Jiangsu na področju izdelkov, velikih modelov, lastniških tehnologij in drugega.
Tehnična prednost: Z bogatimi izkušnjami pri obravnavanju posebnih potreb industrij z izjemno visokimi standardi, kot sta vesoljska in raziskovalna industrija, smo razvili edinstveno tehnično prednost. Imamo sposobnost in samozavest, da se spoprimemo s kompleksnimi tehničnimi izzivi.
Prednost testiranja: Podjetje je opremljeno z vrsto specializirane opreme za testiranje. Poleg pokrivanja običajnih elementov, kot so materiali, dimenzije in puščanje, smo razvili ali kupili različne preskusne naprave za preizkušanje utrujenosti, ciklično testiranje, testiranje pri ultra nizkih temperaturah in vakuumsko testiranje, da bi zadovoljili potrebe različnih strank, industrij in pogojev delovanja.